As we enter the later stages of life, it’s natural to reflect on the changing attitudes of the younger generation. We sometimes find ourselves puzzled by their perception of our parenting style as “abusive” or “strict.” But let’s pause for a moment and consider how things were when we were children.

Our parents raised us with a sense of responsibility and discipline. They instilled in us the value of hard work and the importance of completing our household chores. By guiding us to church and school, they ensured that we developed a strong moral compass and gained knowledge to create a bright future.

Yes, there were rules and boundaries. We had curfews, and if we strayed from them, we faced the consequences. But let’s not forget the care and affection that accompanied their discipline. When we made mistakes, they lovingly corrected us, ensuring that we learned from them.

Our parents provided for us, putting food on the table and clothes on our backs. They taught us the importance of gratitude and not taking things for granted. Moreover, they encouraged us to work for the things we desired, teaching us the value of earning and appreciating what we had.

As we grew up, we internalized their values – developing a strong moral compass, a strong work ethic, and respect for the law and our elders. These invaluable lessons have shaped the individuals we are today.

Let’s take a moment to show our appreciation and be grateful for our Mama and Daddy. Their parenting style may have differed from the present, but the foundation they built for us has played a vital role in shaping our lives.