It was an exciting night for a teenage girl who had recently been given car privileges by her family. She decided to attend a party, but time slipped away from her and she returned home very late.

The following morning, as her father went to collect the newspaper from the driveway, a frown spread across his face. He couldn’t help but notice that the car had been parked in an unusual spot.

At 11:30 am, looking tired and still rubbing her eyes, the girl stumbled into the kitchen. Her father, concerned but trying not to show it, asked her a question that had been bothering him since his discovery. “What time did you get in last night?”

Feeling nervous, the girl responded, “Not too late, Dad.” She knew she had pushed the boundaries but hoped her father wouldn’t be too upset with her.

Without missing a beat, her dad replied in a dead-pan manner, “Well then, I guess I’ll have to talk to the paperboy about putting my newspaper under the front wheel of the car.”

It was a light-hearted way for her father to let her know that he had been aware of her late return. This humorous exchange put both their minds at ease and made them realize that it was just another chapter in their ongoing adventure of growing up.