A playful car ride between a mother and her curious little girl takes an unexpected turn. As they drive to a friend’s house for a play date, the little girl can’t help but quench her thirst for knowledge about her mother’s personal life.

With innocence in her voice, the little girl asks her mother a series of questions that adults might find impolite. “Mommy,” she inquires, “how old are you?”

The mother, trying to teach her daughter proper manners, gently responds, “Honey, it’s not polite to ask a lady her age.”

Undeterred, the little girl’s curiosity persists. “Okay,” she continues, “but can you at least tell me how much you weigh?”

Realizing that her daughter isn’t satisfied with the previous answer, the mother kindly explains, “Those are personal questions, sweetheart, and they’re really none of your business.”

However, the little girl has one more burning inquiry. “Mommy,” she asks boldly, “why did you and Daddy get a divorce?”

Feeling overwhelmed, the mother’s patience begins to wear thin. With a stern tone, she replies, “That’s enough questions for now, young lady. Honestly!”

As the two friends arrive at their destination and start playing, the little girl can’t help but share her frustrations with her friend. “My mom won’t tell me anything about her,” she confides.

To her surprise, her friend has a solution. “Well,” she suggests, “all you need to do is look at her driver’s license. It’s like a report card that has everything on it.”

Later that night, armed with her newfound plan, the little girl approaches her mother with a mischievous smile. “I know how old you are, Mommy,” she proudly declares. “You’re 32!”

Taken aback, the mother wonders how her daughter discovered this information. “How did you find that out?” she asks, her curiosity now piqued.

But the little girl isn’t finished yet. “I also know that you weigh 140 pounds,” she reveals confidently, leaving her mother astonished.

In utter disbelief, the mother questions her daughter, desperately wanting to know how she managed to uncover such personal details. “How in heaven’s name did you find that out?”

With a victorious grin, the little girl delivers the final blow, whispering triumphantly, “And Mommy, I know why you and Daddy got a divorce.”

Curiosity consumes the mother as she eagerly asks, “Oh really? Why?”

Pausing for a moment, the little girl leans in and whispers her conclusion, “Because you got an F in s3x.”

While the little girl’s perspective may seem humorous, it serves as a reminder of the innocent curiosity children possess, and the impact their observations can have on their understanding of the world around them.