Have you ever found yourself stuck behind a customer with way too many items in the express lane? We’ve all been there. But recently, a Walmart customer shared a heartwarming story of a cashier who took a stand against a shopper who didn’t feel like following the rules.

Let me set the scene for you – I was in a Walmart in Colorado Springs, just minding my own business with a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a couple of other things. As I stood there, patiently waiting in line at the 10 items or less express lane, I noticed a woman with a cart overflowing with groceries rushing towards me.

With no regard for anyone else, she nearly runs me over to get in front of me. And that’s when the magic happened.

The cashier, refusing to let this blatant disregard for the rules slide, calmly asks the woman, “Which ten items would you like, ma’am?”

Confused, the woman stops and says, “What?”

With incredible patience, the cashier responds, “This is a ten items or less express line.” As she speaks, she holds up both hands, showing all ten fingers. And just to make it crystal clear, she points to the sign above the lane that reads “Ten Items or Less” in both English and Spanish.

The woman’s face turns red with embarrassment as she realizes her mistake. But instead of accepting the situation, she defiantly exclaims, “I want all of this!”

Undeterred, the cashier maintains her calm demeanor and politely says, “Ma’am, I’m sorry. As I said, this is a ten items or less line. Please choose the ten items you’d like to purchase today.”

Frustrated and angry, the woman lets out a noise that sounds like a screaming goat (yes, really) and shoves her still overflowing cart as hard as she can. It narrowly misses hitting a little old man sitting on a nearby bench. Then, in a final act of defiance, she gives all of us who were laughing at her the finger, says, “F*** you!” and storms out of the store.

Needless to say, the rest of us in line were in stitches from the unexpected turn of events. I couldn’t help but appreciate the cashier’s quick thinking and ability to handle a difficult situation with grace.

When it was my turn to check out, I made sure to express my gratitude to the cashier for the entertainment she had provided. I also decided to tip her $20 as a token of my appreciation. After all, it was a improv comedy moment that I hadn’t seen in years.

Sometimes, it’s the small moments like these that remind us to find joy in the unexpected and appreciate those who go above and beyond their everyday duties. So, the next time you find yourself in an express lane, remember to follow the rules and be kind to the cashiers who keep these lanes running smoothly.

Priceless indeed.