Let me share some funny stories with you that prove that sometimes, common sense isn’t so common. These incidents may sound unbelievable, but trust me, they are all true. It just goes to show that there are some interesting characters out there.

A Little Extra Change

One day, my husband and I went through the McDonald’s drive-thru. I gave the cashier a $5 bill for a total of $4.25. To make it easier for both of us, I also handed her 25 cents. Instead of understanding my intention, she thought I had given her extra money. After involving the manager, I finally got my dollar back along with 75 cents in change. As they say, some things are just not meant to be.

Garage Door Woes

When our garage door needed repair, we called a professional to take a look. He immediately pointed out that our motor was not powerful enough. Surprised by his statement, I explained that we already had the largest motor available – a 1/2 horsepower. But, he insisted that we needed a 1/4 horsepower motor because, according to him, four is bigger than two. Needless to say, we didn’t hire him again.

Deer Crossing Dilemma

Living in a semi-rural area, we often encounter deer crossing signs on our roads. However, our new neighbor had a different idea. They called the local council office to request the removal of the deer crossing sign. Their logic? Too many deer were being hit by cars, so it must be the sign’s fault. It truly takes all kinds.

Minimal Lettuce Request

During a visit to a Mexican fast food restaurant, my daughter made a simple request: “minimal lettuce” on her taco. To her surprise, the person behind the counter informed her that they only had iceberg lettuce. Some things are lost in translation, I suppose.

Unusual Questions

At the airport, while checking in at the gate, an employee asked me if anyone had put anything in my luggage without my knowledge. Puzzled, I replied, “If I didn’t know, how would I be aware?” We both shared a smile, acknowledging the absurdity of the question. Sometimes, it’s the little things that remind us how funny life can be.

A Misunderstood Beep

While crossing the street with a co-worker, who happened to be intellectually challenged, she noticed a beeping sound at the pedestrian light. Curious, she asked if I knew what it was for. I explained that it helps blind people know when it’s safe to cross the street. Shocked, she exclaimed, “What are blind people doing driving?!” This little conversation reminded me that misconceptions can come from unexpected places.

Unlocking the Car

When my wife and I went to pick up our car at the dealership after a service, we were told that the keys were locked inside. As a mechanic worked diligently to unlock the driver’s side door, I casually tried the passenger door and found it unlocked. I couldn’t help but point this out to the technician, who responded with a playful, “I already did that side.” It’s the little victories that brighten our day.

These stories may seem unbelievable, but sometimes truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Life is full of surprises, and it’s the everyday encounters that remind us of the humor and quirks of the world around us. After all, they walk among us.