‘Fresh Prince’ Star Alfonso Ribeiro Shares Devastating Photo Of His Daughter 1 Day Before Her 4th Birthday

Little Ava Sue, daughter of Alfonso Ribeiro and Angela Ribeiro, experienced a devastating accident just one day before her fourth birthday. Falling off her sit-down scooter, she suffered severe burns on her right elbow, shoulder, and around her right eye.

In an Instagram post, Alfonso expressed his gratitude to the medical staff at Kare MD Skin Health for their emergency service and procedure to help lessen the likelihood of scarring. He also praised Ava’s bravery during the surgery.

Ava’s mother, Angela, shared further details about the accident. Despite expressing her concerns about potential danger that day, no one took her warning seriously enough. Shortly after, Ava fell from her scooter. It was a scary moment for everyone involved.

Alfonso Ribeiro's Daughter Undergoes Emergency Surgery

Ava was immediately taken to Kare MD Skin Health to see Dr. Raffy, who worked to reduce the possibility of future scarring. Despite the unfortunate turn of events, Angela commended Ava for being a trooper throughout the experience.

On May 12, the staff at Kare MD Skin Health wished Ava a happy birthday on their Instagram page, showcasing their dedication to her recovery.

Click here to see the photos

As parents, we can all relate to the fear and anxiety that comes with our children getting injured. Let’s be thankful that Ava is now on her way to a speedy recovery.

Did you ever experience a similar accident with your child? Share your feelings and experiences in the comments and, if you would do anything to ensure your child’s long-term health, don’t forget to share this post on Facebook.