Marriage is like a vacuum cleaner: you stick it to your ear, and it sucks out all your energy and ambition. At least that’s what Marlo Thomas, the famous actress, once believed. But her perspective on marriage changed dramatically when she met Phil Donahue, the renowned talk show host.

In their book, “What Makes a Marriage Last: 40 Celebrated Couples Share with Us the Secrets,” Marlo and Phil share personal details of their own marriage, which has lasted for over 40 years. It’s a fascinating look into a relationship that has defied the odds and stood the test of time.

Marlo, who never had much interest in being married, reveals that meeting Phil changed everything for her. Their love story began when Marlo appeared as a guest on Phil’s show, “The Phil Donahue Show,” and it completely altered the course of both their lives.

It wasn’t an easy journey for them. Phil had gone through a divorce before meeting Marlo, and they both had their reservations about marriage. But after dating for three years, they took the plunge and tied the knot in 1980.

Marlo’s change of heart surprised many of her friends and family. At her bridal shower, guests hung comments from the future bride that revealed her former opinions on marriage. Even complete strangers expressed disbelief and concern that Marlo, known for her independent streak, had chosen to settle down.

But Marlo and Phil proved everyone wrong. They worked hard to make their marriage a success, despite the ups and downs they faced along the way. They attribute their enduring relationship to their faith in each other and their willingness to always have each other’s back.

One challenge they faced early in their marriage was spending time apart. Phil’s show was taped in Chicago, while Marlo traveled for her acting career. Some people questioned the validity of their union because they didn’t live together full-time. But Marlo realized that different people have different definitions of marriage, and their relationship was strong even when they were physically apart.

Marlo also embraced her role as a stepmother to Phil’s children. Rather than trying to replace their traditional mother, she treated them like friends and gradually built a close bond with them. In fact, she feels closer to them now than she did when she first joined their family.

After more than four decades of marriage, Marlo and Phil still have more memories to create together. They believe that a lasting marriage requires trust, commitment, and a shared desire to make it work. They are an inspiration to us all and remind us of the beauty of a truly committed and fulfilling relationship.

So let’s raise a toast to Marlo and Phil, and aspire to find a love that stands the test of time, just like theirs.