Two Buddies Were Out For A Saturday Stroll.

Two buddies, one with a Doberman and the other with a Chihuahua, were enjoying a leisurely Saturday stroll. As they meandered down the street, the Doberman owner had an idea.

“Let’s step into that bar and grab a drink,” he suggested.

The Chihuahua owner hesitated, saying, “We can’t go in there with our dogs.”

Confidently, the Doberman owner replied, “Just follow my lead.”

Approaching the bar, the man with the Doberman put on a pair of dark glasses and confidently strutted forward. The bouncer at the door stopped him, saying, “Sorry, no pets allowed.”

Quickly thinking on his feet, the man with the Doberman reassured the bouncer, “This is my Seeing-Eye dog.”

Intrigued, the bouncer questioned, “A Doberman pinscher?”

The man calmly responded, “Yes, indeed. They’re employing Dobermans as Seeing-Eye dogs now, and they’re highly effective.”

Convinced by this explanation, the bouncer gave his approval. “Come on in,” he said.

Feeling emboldened by his friend’s success, the man with the Chihuahua decided to give it a try. He put on a pair of dark glasses and confidently approached the bouncer. However, fate had a different plan for him.

Once again, the bouncer declared, “Sorry, no pets allowed.”

Unfazed, the man with the Chihuahua quickly improvised. “This is my Seeing-Eye dog,” he asserted.

Curiosity piqued, the bouncer asked, “A Chihuahua?”

In a sarcastic tone, the man with the Chihuahua responded, “Oh really? They gave me a fuking Chihuahua?”*

And so, their clever ruse came to an amusing conclusion, leaving both buddies with a good laugh and a great story to share.