Little Johnny and his father were enjoying a fishing trip together. As they spent time out on the boat, Little Johnny’s curiosity began to spark. He had so many questions about the world around him. Looking up at his father, he couldn’t help but ask, “Dad, how does this boat float?”

His father paused for a moment, thinking about how to explain it in a way his young son could understand. He then replied with a friendly smile, “You know what, son? I’m not entirely sure myself.”

Little Johnny didn’t seem discouraged and continued to ponder. After a little while, he turned to his father once again and asked another fascinating question, “Dad, how do fish breathe underwater?”

His father, always patient and willing to indulge his son’s curiosity, answered honestly, “You know what, son? I don’t rightly know either.”

Little Johnny’s curiosity was insatiable. He looked up at the sky and wondered aloud, “Hey, Dad, why is the sky blue?”

His father, never wanting to stifle his son’s thirst for knowledge, replied, “You know what, son? I don’t rightly know the exact reason.”

Little Johnny started to worry that he might be annoying his father with all these questions. He hesitated for a moment before finally gathering the courage to ask, “Dad, do you mind me asking you all of these questions?”

His father smiled warmly and reassured him, “Of course not, son. If you don’t ask questions, you’ll never learn anything. It’s great to be curious and have a desire to understand the world around you.”

Little Johnny felt relieved and grateful for his father’s encouragement. He realized that asking questions was the key to discovering new things and expanding his knowledge.

And so, Little Johnny and his father continued their fishing trip, with Little Johnny’s mind filled with even more wonder and curiosity about the world.