Relationships can be complicated, but if you want your love to last, you must be careful with your actions. In this article, we will discuss some common mistakes that people make which can negatively affect passionate love and how you can avoid them.

1. Never betray their trust

When someone loves and trusts you, it is crucial to be considerate of their feelings. Keep your promises and avoid making commitments you cannot fulfill. Always be honest and transparent, avoiding lies or hiding things from your partner. If you make a mistake, own up to it and work on rebuilding the trust, as it is the foundation of any relationship.

2. Don’t ignore or neglect them

Nothing hurts more than being ignored by a loved one. Make an effort to respond to their calls, messages, and attempts at communication. Show them that they are important by actively engaging in their life and listening to their feelings. Understand their needs and be willing to go the extra mile for their happiness. Make them feel seen, heard, valued, and loved.

3. Don’t treat them like a second choice

Every romantic partner deserves to feel special and important. Avoid talking about your ex or past relationships constantly. Flirting with others in front of your partner is disrespectful and hurtful. Never compare them negatively to others. Make your lover feel like they are your first choice and not someone you settled for.

4. Don’t ever take them for granted

Assuming that your partner will always be there for you is a dangerous mistake. Love is a choice, so appreciate and cherish your partner. Avoid dismissing their feelings or concerns. Instead, listen attentively and validate their emotions. Make sure to express your gratitude and reciprocate their love and support.

5. Never make them beg for your love and attention

Your partner longs for your affection and attention. Do not play games or withhold your love to manipulate them. Show your care and love through both words and actions. Surprise them with random acts of kindness that bring joy to their hearts. Make them feel secure in your love and give them no reason to doubt your intentions.

6. Don’t stay angry at them for too long

In any relationship, it is important to let go of minor issues and avoid holding grudges. Do not give your partner the silent treatment for days on end. Instead, communicate openly, address conflicts maturely, and resolve problems swiftly. Remember that forgiveness and understanding are vital for maintaining a healthy and loving relationship.

7. Don’t take away their independence or freedom

Controlling your loved one’s activities or schedule is a detrimental behavior. Let them make their own plans and spend time with who they choose. Trust their judgment about friends and respect their need for personal space. Everyone deserves freedom and independence, which are essential for a healthy relationship. Taking away these freedoms will damage trust and happiness.

8. Don’t act hostile or aggressive toward them

Using hurtful and aggressive language during arguments can harm your partner both emotionally and physically. Avoid yelling, screaming, or being disrespectful. Instead, learn to communicate frustrations respectfully and settle disagreements calmly. Be an understanding and compromising partner, making your beloved feel safe and secure rather than fearful.

9. Don’t reveal their secrets to others

Trust is a fundamental aspect of any lasting relationship. If your partner confides in you, keep their secrets private. Sharing something private that was entrusted to you will damage the trust between you. Respect their trust by keeping their secrets confidential and not sharing them with others without permission.

10. Don’t disregard their feelings

Validating your partner’s feelings is crucial in a loving relationship. Do not tell them that their feelings are invalid or that they need to “get over it” right away. Every emotion your partner experiences is valid, even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Listen, understand, and provide support during difficult times.

11. Don’t push them away when you’re upset

When you are feeling upset or overwhelmed, it is normal to need some distance. However, shutting out someone who loves you will only hurt them. Instead, communicate your need for alone time but assure your partner that you still care. Allow them to support you during hard times and avoid excluding them from your life.

12. Don’t cheat on them with someone else

Cheating is a severe betrayal that can cause lasting emotional scars and damage trust. The foundation of a strong relationship is built on trust. If you are tempted to stray, address the underlying problems in your relationship or let your partner go before starting something new. Honesty and faithfulness are crucial for maintaining a healthy and loving bond.


In this article, we have discussed twelve important things you should never do to someone who loves you. While everyone makes mistakes, being aware of these hurtful behaviors can help you avoid them and foster healthier, happier relationships. Real love requires commitment and being the kind of partner you would want for yourself. By nurturing a relationship based on love, trust, and respect, you can build a bond that stands the test of time.