Being an 18-year-old girl isn’t always easy, but dealing with a complicated relationship with your parents can make it even more challenging. That’s the situation OP (Original Poster) found herself in when she inherited about $125,000 from her late grandfather. She had big dreams of using that money to attend her dream school, but her mother had other plans.

Unfortunately, when OP approached her mother to transfer the inheritance money to her college savings, she was met with resistance. Her mother believed that OP should pay her back for everything she had spent on her over the years. This disagreement in priorities led to a strained relationship between mother and daughter.

To make matters worse, OP had discovered that her mother had been stealing money from her for years. She would break into OP’s safe and take the funds that OP had earned through sports competitions. Feeling helpless, OP decided to confront her mother about the money she owed.

Armed with evidence, OP confronted her mother about the nearly $125,000 she had taken from her. Her mother initially denied any wrongdoing but quickly grew furious when the total was revealed. She argued that she was entitled to the money because she had spent more than that on medical bills for OP.

Undeterred, OP persisted and reminded her mother of her siblings. She questioned why her mother wasn’t demanding repayment from them as well. Her mother’s response was that, as the eldest child, OP was responsible for paying her back.

Realizing that her mother would likely try to destroy the evidence, OP had hindsight on her side. She had made copies of everything and saved them on her computer. The next day, she sent an email to her mother, threatening legal action if she didn’t pay back what she owed.

However, upon reflecting on her actions, OP wondered if she had gone too far. She turned to Reddit for advice and reassurance. The Reddit community provided support and affirmed that OP was not at fault for expecting her mother to fulfill her parental duties.

One Redditor suggested opening a separate bank account to safeguard OP’s money from her mother. Another recommended consulting with an attorney to explore legal options. Taking this advice to heart, OP opened a new bank account in her name and removed her mother’s access.

In an update, OP shared that her father was helping her in her pursuit of justice. She had also discovered that her mother had cheated on her husband and had multiple children from the affair. As a result, her mother was now facing a lawsuit, potential criminal charges, and a divorce.

OP expressed gratitude to the Reddit community for their support and hoped that her father would gain full custody of his children. Sharing her story had been cathartic and empowering for OP.

Some Reader Comments:
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