Siblings have a bond that is truly special, a bond that can overcome any obstacle. This heartwarming story reaffirms just how powerful that bond can be. Meet Owen Burns, a 13-year-old boy from Alpena Township in Michigan. Little did Owen know that one day, his bravery would be put to the ultimate test.

Owen Burns

Owen was getting ready to enjoy his favorite video game, “Call of Duty: Black Ops II,” when he heard his younger sister’s piercing scream outside. Concerned for her safety, Owen quickly looked out the window and was met with an alarming sight. Someone was forcefully dragging his 8-year-old sister towards the nearby woods.

In that split second, Owen knew he had to act. He grabbed his trusted slingshot, a simple $3 toy that his mom had bought for him, and loaded it with a marble and a rock. With the confidence gained from practicing on old orange cans, Owen aimed the slingshot and struck the kidnapper not once, but twice. The first shot landed right between the kidnapper’s eyes, and the second hit him in the chest. Startled and likely in pain, the kidnapper swore and ran away, leaving Owen’s sister unharmed.

Once safely back home, Owen and his sister wasted no time in calling their mother, who was away helping a relative at the time. Hearing what had happened, their mother rushed home and contacted the police. Thanks to Owen’s bravery and accurate aim, the Michigan State Police were able to track down the alleged kidnapper, a 17-year-old teenager who will now face charges as an adult.

Lt. John Grimshaw, speaking at a news conference, described Owen’s actions as “extraordinary” and emphasized that Owen truly saved his sister from something terrible happening to her. The police confirmed Owen’s account, as the suspect had injuries consistent with being struck by a slingshot.

At first, Owen’s mother, Maggie Burns, found it hard to believe her son’s incredible story. In awe of his bravery, she admitted, “It just didn’t sound real, until there was proof. It sounds like something you would see in the movies.” But Owen, wise beyond his years, simply responded, “Mom, stuff in the movies can and do happen in real life.”

Witnessing Owen’s courage and quick thinking has earned him the title of a true hero in the eyes of the community. This heroic act of sibling love has garnered praise from everyone. Let us all share this inspiring story with our family and friends to spread positivity and remind ourselves of the power of love and bravery that exists within us all.