Children possess a unique charm that often gets them into trouble. Their innocence and honesty are endearing, and as adults, we should not get angry with them for simply being themselves. One primary school teacher had a memorable experience during a “show-and-tell” presentation on birthing. The captivating story shared by a bright and outgoing girl named Erica has been shared on social media for years, bringing smiles to the faces of many.

The teacher, who had been teaching for fifteen years, recalls the incident that took place in her second-grade classroom. Show-and-tell sessions were usually quite ordinary, with kids bringing in pets, models, or pictures. The teacher never set any boundaries or limitations on what the children could share. One day, Erica surprised everyone by waddling to the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her sweater. Holding up a snapshot of an infant, she introduced her baby brother Luke and proceeded to share the story of his birth.

With her hands on the pillow, Erica explained, “First, Mommy and Daddy made him as a symbol of their love, and then Daddy put a seed in my mother’s stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for 9 months through an umbrella cord.” The kids watched in amazement as Erica continued, gesturing and acting out each part of the story. She described her mother’s labor pains, the call made to the middle wife, and the moment of Luke’s arrival. It was a comical and heartwarming performance that left the teacher trying not to burst into laughter.

Ever since that day, the teacher always keeps a camcorder ready during show-and-tell sessions, hoping to capture another unforgettable moment like Erica’s story. It’s these precious and genuine moments that make teaching such a rewarding profession.

A Beautiful Message

In addition to Erica’s story, here’s another tale with a beautiful message. It reflects on the creation of women and highlights their remarkable qualities.

According to the story, when God created Woman, an Angel questioned why so much time was spent on her. The Lord explained the many specifications that shaped women. They must be able to handle various situations, embrace multiple children, and possess the power to heal both physical and emotional wounds with a simple hug. Women are resilient, capable of working long hours, and can overcome tremendous challenges.

The Angel marveled at the strength and softness intertwined in women. However, questioning if she could think, the Lord assured the Angel that women not only think but also possess the ability to reason and negotiate. The Angel noticed a tear and asked about its purpose. The Lord clarified that tears are a woman’s way of expressing her emotions, be it grief, doubt, love, loneliness, suffering, or pride.

Impressed by the capabilities and complexities of women, the Angel praised the genius of the Lord. Women possess unimaginable strength and can handle troubles while carrying heavy burdens. They can find happiness amidst sorrow, express their deepest emotions, and fight for what they believe in. Their love is unconditional, and even in the face of heartbreak, women find the strength to carry on.

However, the Lord revealed that women have one drawback—they often forget their worth. Women are truly remarkable beings, embodying strength, courage, and compassion. It is essential for them to remember their value and the immense contributions they make to the world.

Embracing the Wisdom of Children

The innocence and wisdom of children bring joy, laughter, and life lessons. It is our role as adults to cherish and nurture these qualities. Whether it’s a hilarious show-and-tell story or a beautiful message about women, let us appreciate and celebrate the wonder of childhood and the unique qualities that make us who we are.