Two farmers find themselves in a peculiar situation – they can’t tell their donkeys apart! Determined to solve this problem, the first farmer comes up with an interesting idea. He suggests, “I’ll cut the tail of my donkey off, so we can easily differentiate them.”

A few days later, the donkeys engage in a fight, and unfortunately, the other donkey ends up with its tail bitten off. Undeterred by this setback, the second farmer proposes his own solution. He says, “I’ll cut off my donkey’s ear, so I’ll know for sure that it’s mine.”

The following day, the donkeys once again clash, resulting in one of them losing an ear. As the confusion persists, the first farmer suggests yet another idea. He exclaims, “I’ll put a collar around my donkey, preventing any doubt.”

However, even with the collar, the donkeys manage to find a way to brawl, and the collar falls off. Feeling exasperated, the first farmer finally provides a simple solution. He says, “You take the white one, and I’ll take the black one.”

At this point, the second farmer, with a touch of humor, suggests that they should probably keep the gate closed as well. This lighthearted ending adds a comical touch to the story, leaving one with a smile.