Little Johnny was a curious little boy, always asking questions and pondering about the world around him. One morning, as he sat eating his breakfast, a thought crossed his mind.

“Mommy, why does Daddy have so little hair on his head?” he asked, genuinely curious.

His mother smiled, proud of herself for coming up with a clever response. “Well, dear, your daddy thinks a lot, and sometimes, thinking too much can make your hair fall out,” she explained.

Little Johnny pondered her answer for a moment before another question popped into his head. “But mommy, why do you have so much hair then?”

His innocent curiosity made his mother chuckle. “Oh, well, I guess I don’t think as much as Daddy,” she replied playfully.

Meanwhile, Little Matty was playing at the nearby playground when he spotted his father’s car driving past him. Curiosity piqued, he decided to follow the car and see where it was headed.

To his surprise, the car went into the woods, away from prying eyes. When Matty reached the clearing, he couldn’t believe what he saw – his father and Aunt Jane sharing a passionate kiss.

Excited and bursting with the need to share his discovery, Matty hurried back home to tell his mother everything he had witnessed.

“MOMMY, MOMMY, I WAS AT THE PLAYGROUND AND DADDY AND…” he blurted out, unable to contain his excitement.

His mother, wanting to hear the full story, calmly asked him to slow down and invited him to share it during dinner. Matty eagerly agreed, eagerly anticipating the reaction he would get from his father.

As the family gathered around the dinner table, Matty couldn’t contain his excitement. His mother encouraged him to tell his story, knowing the surprise it held.

Matty eagerly recounted what he had seen – the car disappearing into the woods, the undressing, and Aunt Jane lying down on the seat. But before he could reveal more, his mother interrupted him with a mischievous smile.

“Matty, this is such an intriguing story. Why don’t you save the rest for later? Let’s see the look on Daddy’s face when you share it tonight,” she said, trying to conceal her anger.

Matty’s eyes widened with anticipation, clearly excited about the effect his story would have on his father.

And so, they continued their meal, eagerly waiting for the evening’s conversation to unfold. Little did they know the surprises that awaited them.