In my city of Paris, France, there is a homeless man who begs for help every day at the same spot. Despite his difficult situation, he always greets people with a smile and wishes them a good day, even if they don’t donate to him. He has a gentle dog by his side, who never barks or shows aggression. Some people question why he has a dog when he can barely feed himself. But even during the summer, the mornings in France can be cold, and seeing this man and his dog huddled together left a lasting impact on me.

I couldn’t stop thinking about them all day. Although I didn’t have much money myself, I made a decision to do something to help. The next morning, I took time off from work. Carrying a blanket, a box of food for the dog, and as much food for the man as I could manage, I approached them. I also bought two coffees and asked if I could sit and talk with him for a few minutes. He kindly agreed.

Curious about his story, I asked the man why he was homeless, and he turned the question back on me. I explained that I walk to work every day and noticed that most people around me seem unhappy, except for him. Despite his living conditions, he always has a smile on his face. His happiness warms my heart, and I find inspiration in his ability to stay positive. I went on to share that even on bad days when I’m not as happy as I’d like to be, I think of him, living on the streets with nothing, yet seemingly happier than I am.

He interrupted me and said, “I have something, something that cannot be measured. It’s this little boy in my arms,” referring to his dog. Intrigued, I asked him how he came to have the dog, and he told me a remarkable story.

Two years ago, the man had reached a point in his life where he questioned the purpose of living if he would spend it begging for survival. Feeling alone in the world, he contemplated jumping off a bridge. However, just as he was about to do so, the dog appeared, barking and biting at him, preventing him from jumping. In that moment, he realized he had something to live for. He shared his last cookie with the dog, and their bond began. Since then, the dog has become his sole companion, and they rely on each other for love and support.

I inquired whether he had ever considered staying in a homeless shelter, and his response moved me to tears. Eight months ago, he was offered a place to sleep, food, and warmth, but dogs were not allowed. He made the choice to decline the offer because this dog meant everything to him. He would rather remain on the streets than abandon his faithful companion. The dog had taught him the power of love and given him a reason to keep going. Whenever people gave him money, he prioritized buying food for his dog, ensuring that his furry friend never went hungry.

Hearing this heartfelt tale, I handed him the blanket and the food. His gratitude was like nothing I had ever experienced before. He expressed his thanks, knowing that because of me, his dog, Bobby, would never be hungry or cold again. In a moment of impulse, I wrote my address on a piece of paper, tied it to the dog’s collar, and told him that he no longer had to worry. If something were to happen to him, I pledged to take care of Bobby. He would never be alone.

At that moment, he cried. Witnessing his tears, I realized he was the happiest man I had ever seen. I wish you could have witnessed the radiant joy in his eyes too.