Just a joke to lighten your afternoon! Try not to be a grouch!

A nun walks into the Mother Superior’s office feeling frustrated and sits down heavily. Intrigued, the Mother Superior asks her about her troubling day.

As it turns out, the nun had spent the day playing golf with her brother, a hobby they both enjoyed before she became devoted to her religious life. Eager to relax, she had high hopes for a peaceful day. However, things didn’t go as planned.

On the fifth tee, she hit an incredible shot – the best of her life. To her dismay, the ball struck a bird in mid-flight. Before she could comprehend what had happened, a mischievous squirrel darted out of the woods, snatched her ball, and sprinted away down the fairway.

The Mother Superior expresses her sympathy, expecting this to be the moment the nun lost her composure and used foul language. However, the nun surprises her by admitting that her frustration didn’t reach that point.

Continuing her story, the nun tearfully reveals that a hawk swooped down and kidnapped the squirrel, still gripping her ball. With astonishment, she explains that as the hawk flew off, the squirrel started struggling, causing the hawk to drop it right on the green. Miraculously, the ball rolled to within a foot of the hole.

At this point, the Mother Superior, with a wry smile, leans back in her chair, crosses her arms, and looks at the nun.

“You missed the f— putt, didn’t you?”

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