At just 13 years old, Luke Thiull is not your average teenager. While most kids his age are obsessed with their crushes or gym class, Luke had a different focus – building something incredible. Instead of getting lost in screens, he decided to show a little sweat in a more traditional way. While his friends initially laughed at his teeny-tiny house, they were quickly ashamed when they stepped inside. For the cost of a phone, Luke built his dream house in his own backyard!

Luke's Dream House

This extraordinary project began with Luke’s burning desire to have a house of his own. After a lot of thought, planning, and research, he finally turned his idea into reality. It took him about a year to raise the necessary funds and gather the materials for his dream house. Luke mowed lawns, organized fundraisers, and did whatever he could to raise the investment, truly embodying the spirit of a young CEO. He even received some help with the house’s electrical work from a man he assisted in cleaning his garage. Truly a jack of all trades!

Surprisingly, Luke’s house is made up of 75% recycled materials and leftover items from his grandma’s house. The front door was a generous gift from his uncle. The entire house is approximately 89 square feet, 10 feet in length, and about 5 and a half feet wide. It has electricity, but no plumbing, so there’s no shower or sink yet!

Luke’s minimalist approach to building his dream house was driven by his desire to avoid a huge mortgage. He loved the idea of a simple, debt-free lifestyle. In fact, he finds inspiration in minimalism. His YouTube channel features numerous videos where he shares his journey and explanations about the project, sparking curiosity and interest from many viewers.

The project has been a valuable learning experience for Luke. His dad, Greg, believed it was a chance for his son to do something beyond playing video games or participating in sports. He wanted Luke to learn important life lessons. The house serves as a sanctuary, providing a space for him to have alone time and pursue his hobbies. Inside the house, Luke has a microwave, TV, and a loft with a bed. There’s even a BBQ in the backyard! He not only does his homework there but also gets to sleep in his very own house from time to time.

Luke’s remarkable accomplishment at such a young age is an inspiration to others. He hopes to show kids that building something like this is possible, regardless of age. His goal is to encourage and motivate others to pursue their dreams and aspirations. By sharing this amazing article, we can spread the word and show others what can be achieved with determination, creativity, and a little sweat.

Take a Look at Luke’s Amazing Project: