The Tesla Cybertruck, famously known for its arrow-r esistant stainless steel panels, may not be as stain-resistant as initially believed. It turns out that the stainless steel surfaces are prone to developing grease and water stains, much like regular stainless steel kitchen appliances. Surprisingly, some Cybertruck owners have even noticed a touch of orange, giving their electric vehicles a trendy rustic look. Who would have thought that a futuristic truck could have a hint of vintage charm?

According to a report by Business Insider, two Cybertruck owners have discovered orange spots on their vehicles. Initially called a “liar,” one user on a car forum posted photos of the car after washing it with dish soap, revealing small spots on the surface. Another owner reported their findings to a Tesla repair center, which stated that repairs would be possible next month once the necessary tools are available.

The Unique Stainless Steel Design Has Caused Earlier Issues Than Expected

The stainless steel construction of the Cybertruck has caused challenges for both Elon Musk, Tesla assembly lines, and early adopters. Owners have found that the EVs are not entirely stain-proof, as confirmed by the Tesla Cybertruck manual. Corrosive substances such as grease, oil, tree resin, and dead insects can affect the steel panels, making it essential to promptly wash them off to prevent rusting. Considering that the truck is designed for high-performance adventures and undergoes testing on at least moderate off-road terrains, these durability concerns are indeed worrisome.

Elon Musk Proposed an Option That May Help With Cybertruck Rusting

Fortunately, there may be a way to combat rust: prevention. In a September post on X, Musk mentioned the possibility of Tesla offering owners the option to have a tungsten-carbide coating. Musk claimed that this ceramic material protects against corrosion and is virtually scratch-proof, surpassing the hardness of diamond. While this option could provide a solution, it may not be ideal for all owners since the Cybertruck’s release price has already exceeded the initial advertisement. Investing in a Tesla wrap to fend off rust may not be a cost-effective choice.

Interestingly, the DeLorean, the iconic sports car from the 80s sci-fi film Back to the Future, was the last mass-produced vehicle to utilize stainless steel. Cybertruck owners are now sharing tips inspired by cleaning methods discovered by DeLorean owners decades ago, as they strive to maintain a pristine shine on their trucks.