Johnny Is Sitting In Class.

Little Johnny is sitting in class one day, and the teacher is about to teach the class about farm-related topics. As the teacher starts discussing agriculture and farms, she decides to engage the students by asking a question about how a farmer can tell the weather on their farm. Surprisingly, no one seems to know the answer except for little Johnny, who excitedly waves his hand, eager to share his knowledge. The teacher, intrigued, allows Johnny to answer the question.

With enthusiasm, little Johnny confidently states that “the farmer uses a weather vane to tell the weather!” His answer impresses the teacher, showing that he is paying attention in class. Encouraged by his correct response, the teacher poses another question to the class, asking what type of animal often adorns the top of a weather vane.

Once again, the other students are left clueless, but not Johnny. With a mischievous smile on his face, Johnny responds, “Why, teacher, it’s a cock!” The teacher, although slightly taken aback, recognizes that Johnny’s answer is technically correct as a rooster or a cockerel is a common symbol on weather vanes.

Curiosity getting the better of her, the teacher continues her questioning and asks the class, “Can anyone tell me why farmers use a rooster on the barn as a weather vane?” The students, including Johnny, are stumped once again.

Now standing up in front of the entire class, Johnny proudly answers the teacher’s question with a big grin on his face. “It’s a cock because, as everyone knows, if it were a c*nt, the wind would just blow right through it!”

Little Johnny’s unconventional response leaves the class bursting into laughter, and the teacher, while trying to hide a smile, realizes that Johnny’s wit and humor can brighten any classroom.