Have you ever dreamed of having hair like Rapunzel? Well, Alia Nasyrova, a self-proclaimed “real-life Rapunzel,” has made that dream a reality. This 33-year-old woman from Latvia has an incredible 90 inches of flowing brown locks! She considers her hair to be her full-time job and even earns money by growing and flaunting her hair.

Alia has always been fascinated by long hair since she was a child, especially the heroines of fairy tales. She refers to herself as a “very long hair model” and proudly claims the title of “Queen of super long hair!”

On her website, Alia shares her dreams of traveling the world, meeting other long-haired girls, and showcasing their beauty as an art form. She even offers exclusive content for her paying admirers.

Managing and maintaining her beautiful hair is no small task. Alia spends an hour every day washing her hair, followed by a day of air drying. When she leaves her home, she brings a day bag filled with 22 pounds of liquids, including shampoo, conditioner, and other hair accessories. She also performs hair exercises on a yoga mat to keep her locks healthy and supple.

Alia’s husband, Ivan Balaban, admires her hair but understands the importance of keeping his hands away from it. He goes as far as cuddling up against walls to give her hair more space and prevent accidental damage. In fact, he even talks to her braid respectfully, asking it to move a bit at times!

Of course, having hair that long comes with its challenges. Alia recalls a childhood incident where someone accidentally left gum in her hair. It was a disaster that required her to cut out a clump of hair to remove the gum. But despite such setbacks, Alia continues to embrace her stunning long hair.

Although Alia’s hair is incredibly long, she doesn’t hold the world record. That honor goes to China’s Xie Qiuping, whose hair measures a staggering 18 feet 5 inches, according to the Guinness World Records. To put it into perspective, Xie’s hair is almost as long as an adult male giraffe!

We salute Alia Nasyrova for her dedication in maintaining her amazing long locks. Having hair that long is undeniably a challenge, but it’s also a testament to her commitment and perseverance. What do you think of hair that is extremely long? Do you think you could handle it or do you prefer hair that is shorter and easier to manage?