A girlfriend went above and beyond to help reduce her boyfriend’s hefty medical bill, which was initially $5000. However, after putting in a lot of effort and successfully decreasing the bill to just $26, her boyfriend was unhappy with her actions and thought she had taken it too far.

A Determined Girlfriend

When her boyfriend ended up in the emergency room due to an accident, the girlfriend was concerned about the high medical bill they received. Despite the bill potentially ruining their holiday plans, she believed it was worth disputing.

How Did She Do It?

The girlfriend began by requesting an itemized bill to compare the charges. Upon discovering discrepancies, she started calling the billing department to dispute the costs but was redirected to the administration office.

After spending considerable time navigating the call center and searching for the right person to help, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She researched the hospital’s board of directors and upper management on LinkedIn, collecting about 30 emails. Each day, she spent 15 minutes crafting detailed emails, explaining the exorbitant overcharging and the lack of assistance from the billing department.


Thanks to her determination, the girlfriend managed to get the bill reduced from $5000 to a mere $26. She was proud of her accomplishment and eagerly shared the good news with her boyfriend. At first, he was amazed and even called her a “Christmas miracle.”

However, when he saw the extensive email chain she had sent out, his opinion changed. He believed that she had gone too far and should have stuck to the normal route of disputing the bill through the billing department. The girlfriend, on the other hand, was frustrated by his reaction, considering she had just saved them $5000 and given them the opportunity for a nice holiday.

Reader Response

Readers who were familiar with the challenges of fighting medical bills praised the girlfriend for her efforts. They considered her a hero and suggested she should use her skills to become a professional advocate.

Many were perplexed by the boyfriend’s ungratefulness and lack of understanding regarding the immense effort required to challenge such bills when doctors, insurance, and hospital staff were uncooperative. Some readers even wanted the girlfriend to share tips on how to fight their own outstanding medical accounts.

Overall, the girlfriend’s determination and success in reducing the medical bill resonated with readers who appreciated her tenacity in the face of a daunting challenge.