Gardening is a wonderful way to grow your own fresh vegetables right at home. Onions and garlic, in particular, are versatile and healthy additions to any kitchen. Did you know that you can easily grow these flavor-packed bulbs in a small space? In this article, we’ll show you how to grow onions and garlic using a bucket and PVC pipe system. This unique method allows you to maximize your harvest while taking up minimal space, making it perfect for urban and small-scale gardening.

What You’ll Need

To get started, gather the following materials:

  • A large and sturdy bucket (at least 5 gallons in size)
  • Around 100 small onion bulbs (sets)
  • A PVC pipe (1-2 inches in diameter) and a PVC end cap
  • A drill with a 1-inch hole saw attachment
  • Compost or potting mix
  • Garlic cloves
  • Watering can or hose

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps to create your own onion and garlic garden:

  1. Prepare the Bucket: Start by selecting a large food-grade bucket and cleaning it thoroughly. If your bucket doesn’t have any drainage holes, drill a few in the bottom to prevent water from pooling.

  2. Drill Holes in the Bucket: Use the 1-inch hole saw attachment to drill holes around the sides of the bucket. Space the holes about 1 inch apart, making sure you have enough for all the onion sets. These holes will serve as the planting spots for the onion bulbs.

  3. Insert PVC Pipe: In the center of the bucket, drill a hole big enough to fit your PVC pipe. Push the pipe through the hole, ensuring it’s stable and secure. Attach the end cap to the top of the pipe.

  4. Plant the Onion Sets: Gently insert one onion set into each hole on the sides of the bucket. Push them down until they are snug, but not buried too deeply. The 1-inch spacing between the holes ensures that each onion has enough room to grow.

  5. Fill the Bucket with Compost: Add compost or potting mix into the bucket, filling it up until it covers the onion bulbs. Make sure the onions are completely covered, leaving only a small portion of the tops exposed.

  6. Plant Garlic on Top: In the center of the bucket, plant your garlic cloves on top of the compost. You can plant multiple cloves close together. As the garlic grows upward, the onions will develop below.

  7. Watering System: The PVC pipe in the middle of the bucket serves as a watering system. To water your onions, pour water down the pipe, and it will distribute moisture directly to the roots. Remember to water regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

  8. Maintenance: Place the bucket in a sunny spot since onions and garlic thrive in full sun. Keep an eye on the moisture level and water as needed. Once the onions and garlic start growing, consider providing them with a light fertilizer to promote healthy development.

  9. Harvesting: Onions are usually ready to harvest when their green tops begin to wither and turn yellow or brown. Garlic is typically ready when the tops have dried out and become brown. Dig out the bulbs from the compost carefully, being mindful not to damage them.

In Conclusion…

This innovative gardening method utilizing a bucket with drilled holes and a PVC pipe system makes growing onions and garlic not only easy but space-efficient too. It’s an excellent solution for those with limited garden space or anyone looking to maximize their yield from a small area. With proper care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh, homegrown onions and garlic. Get ready to enhance your culinary endeavors and connect with the joys of gardening!