Reconnecting After Years of Heartache

When a woman made the painful decision to divorce her husband after discovering his infidelity, she never imagined that it would cost her the relationship with her daughter. As the years went by, her daughter, influenced by her father and other family members, distanced herself from her mother, believing she was a bad person. It wasn’t until a desperate financial situation led the daughter back to her mother’s doorstep.

A newly-wed couple | Source: Pexels

A Sacrificing Man

In January 2022, an anonymous poster shared her heart-wrenching story on the “AITA” subreddit. The woman, now 45 years old, had married a wealthy man who showered her family with generosity. He not only spoiled her parents with lavish gifts but also helped her sister pay off her credit card debts. He even went the extra mile to secure her brother a high-paying job at a reputable company.

A man and woman talking to a crying girl. | Source: Shutterstock

A Betrayal Forgiven

When her husband cheated on her for the first time, the woman was at her most vulnerable, having just given birth to their child, Kelly. Despite her pain and desire to end the marriage, her family urged her to forgive him. They emphasized the importance of a stable home for Kelly’s upbringing, convincing the woman that staying was the best choice. She also blamed herself, thinking that she couldn’t be the best wife while pregnant.

A couple arguing | Source: Getty Images

A Painful Second Betrayal

But when her husband cheated on her again when Kelly turned 12, the woman knew she couldn’t continue living in a broken relationship. However, her in-laws and her own parents were adamantly against a divorce, fearing a scandal that would tarnish their family’s reputation. Tragically, the woman lost custody of her daughter in the legal battle that followed. Despite the setback, she received alimony and a fair settlement.

A woman looking out the window. | Source: Shutterstock

A Poisonous Influence

Though the mother tried to maintain a connection with her daughter through designated visiting hours, her in-laws and parents poisoned Kelly’s impression of her. They portrayed the woman as a bad person, convincing Kelly that her mother was a hypocrite for not forgiving her father. As Kelly grew into her teenage years, she resolutely refused to see her mother, believing her to be terrible.

Finding Support in a Friend

During these difficult times, the woman found solace in her best friend, Tina. Tina became her confidant and rock, providing support that helped her get through each day. Over the years, the woman continued to reach out to her daughter, hoping for a chance to heal their relationship.

A girl knocking on a door. | Source: Shutterstock

Rebuilding Her Life

Determined to rebuild her life, the woman pursued a career in accountancy and secured a well-paying job. Meanwhile, her ex-husband faced a series of misfortunes, including losing his job and becoming embroiled in a lawsuit filed by one of his employees. Despite his financial hardships, he continued to live extravagantly, depleting all his funds, including the money intended for Kelly’s college tuition.

A person writing a will | Source: Shutterstock

Leaving a Legacy

When Kelly, now 21 years old, expressed a desire to reconnect with her mother, the woman couldn’t help but feel hurt by the realization that her daughter only wanted a relationship for financial support. While the woman agreed to assist with Kelly’s graduate school tuition, she made it clear that her will would leave the majority of her estate and assets to Tina’s daughter and her goddaughter, Laura, who had become like family over the years.

A woman giving a girl money. | Source: Shutterstock

Seeking Redditors’ Opinions

As the woman shared her story, she asked for opinions from the Reddit community. Was she right to leave everything to her goddaughter instead of her daughter who only wanted to reconnect when in need of financial assistance? Was it fair to prioritize a relationship that didn’t feel transactional over one that seemed to require financial compensation?