Raising children nowadays can be a difficult endeavor in and of itself. Young parents must not only deal with family members’ comments but also with random strangers on the internet commenting on their parenting methods.

Caring for 5-Year-Old Quintuplets

Jordan Driskell, a 31-year-old father, faces the challenge of raising five five-year-old quintuplets. As you may imagine, caring for children of the same age can be exhausting, especially at the age of five when a child is inquisitive and enjoys exploring.

A Creative Solution: Child-Sized Leashes

Seeking a solution to his situation, Driskell decided to purchase child-sized leashes to handle his rambunctious tiny kids when they were out in public. With these leashes, the little kids can explore their surroundings while their father maintains sight and control, ensuring their safety.


Unfair Criticism from Strangers

Driskell shared a video of the family’s trip to the aquarium, which unfortunately drew a lot of criticism thrown at the parents. The video of the children on leashes quickly went viral, garnering over 3 million views. Hundreds of people remarked that the children should not have been leashed because they were not animals. Others suggested that if the pressure of managing the kids was too much, they shouldn’t have had so many children, or that the solution was to properly train the children instead.

An Expert’s Perspective

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, a parenting and adolescent development expert, disagrees with the critics. She believes that using a leash does not make a child feel like an animal. In fact, she sees it as a much better alternative to keeping children at home. According to Dr. Gilboa, leashes are excellent tools for controlling younger children or neuro-diverse youngsters in public. However, she does mention that by the ages of eight and nine, neurotypical children should have developed enough listening skills to not rely on leashes.


Freedom from Judgment

Parents should have the freedom to parent the way they want without facing unnecessary judgment from society. What do you think of children on leashes in public? Let us know in the comments below. Share this article with friends and family to know what they think as well!