A woman, six months into her pregnancy, found herself begging her husband to be more present and support her during this crucial time. However, his response shocked her. Let’s dive into her story.

A Deep Bond with His Mother

The couple had been together for five years before getting married. The woman soon realized that her husband had a close bond with his mother, to the extent that he would prioritize her over his wife. She shared, “My husband is a complete momma’s boy. He’ll call his mother for hours and spend more time with her than with me.”

The Breaking Point

The incident that pushed her to seek advice on Reddit was when she asked her husband to spend more time with her to prepare for the arrival of their child. His response devastated her. He told her that being around more for her would mean less time spent with his mother. The wife, understanding his bond with his mother, insisted that she needed his care more than his mother did. That’s when her husband dropped this bombshell: “You know my mom comes before you.”

Feeling Alone in Her Pregnancy

After her husband left to spend time with his mother, the wife was left alone to handle everything related to her pregnancy. She even received a call from her mother-in-law, who gloated about her victory, all while the husband chuckled in the background. Despite her anger and disappointment, she carried on.

Anniversary Plans Gone Awry

A few weeks later, on their anniversary, the wife had planned to spend quality time with her husband, watching sports and preparing his favorite meal. However, her husband had different plans. He came home briefly and then left again, leaving the wife wondering what was going on. After waiting for half an hour, she decided to call him and found out he was with his mother. Feeling like she was just a girlfriend, she confronted her husband about his behavior.

Seeking Validation from Reddit

Seeking advice, the wife turned to the Reddit community to understand if she was being unreasonable. She received overwhelming support and reassurance that she had every right to expect her husband to prioritize her and their unborn child during such a crucial time.

A Ray of Hope

Some community members suggested she have an open conversation with her husband and learn more about his strong attachment to his mother. When she did so, her husband tearfully promised to make amends. Realizing the need for change, he vowed to prioritize his wife and their growing family.

The Mother-in-Law Issue

The wife contemplated talking to her mother-in-law about her husband’s behavior, but she knew it wouldn’t yield positive results. She emphasized that the situation wasn’t about winning or losing; it was about her mother-in-law’s behavior affecting their grandchild. She made it clear that if the situation didn’t improve, visitation rights for her mother-in-law would be at stake.

Final Thoughts

This woman’s story resonated with many on Reddit who empathized with her struggle. The overwhelming support she received reinforced her belief that she deserved better from her husband and his mother. In the end, it is essential for every couple to find a balance and prioritize their immediate family while still maintaining healthy relationships with extended family members.