Keith Urban, the renowned country star, has opened up about the transformative power of love and family. In a recent interview, the 54-year-old musician shared his journey of overcoming addiction, reprioritizing his life, and finding joy in his role as a husband and father.

Looking back on his early career, Urban candidly admitted to his struggles with addiction, which led him to seek rehabilitation multiple times. However, everything changed when he married his wife, the talented actress Nicole Kidman, in 2006. Urban humorously responded to a party invitation during the interview, saying, “I’d like to stay married.” This lighthearted remark speaks volumes about the profound impact Kidman has had on his life.

“I used to weigh the pros and cons of my choices, disregarding the consequences,” Urban confessed. “I’d think, ‘It might cause issues, but it’ll be fun.’ But the next morning, the person who made those decisions would vanish, leaving me to deal with the aftermath alone.”

Today, Urban’s focus has shifted entirely towards his two beautiful children, Sunday, 13, and Faith, 11. “Life is very different nowadays,” he shared with a warm smile. “I’m determined to set a positive example for my kids, but I still question if I’m doing it right. I’ve made plenty of mistakes, but what’s important is finding what works for you.”

Throughout his remarkable journey, Urban credits hard work as the key to his success, both personally and professionally. Reflecting on his message to his children, he said, “I encourage them to pursue their passions, no matter what they may be. As long as they are dedicated and work hard to achieve their dreams, I will support them wholeheartedly.”

Urban’s path to success hasn’t been without its challenges. “Both Nicole and I have had to work tirelessly to get to where we are today,” he explained. “I climbed the ladder in the Australian music scene, earning a record deal, only to start from scratch when I moved to the United States.”

Despite the obstacles, Urban remains grateful for the second chance he has been given. “Fortunately, things worked out in my favor the second time around,” he shared, his eyes twinkling with gratitude.

Opening up about his personal struggles, Urban bravely discussed his father’s battle with alcoholism. Growing up in a household marked by addiction, it took time for him to recognize that he, too, had inherited a similar disposition. However, he chooses not to dwell on these challenges, instead wanting his audience to simply enjoy his music and have a great time at his concerts.

“I don’t talk much about it because what I really want is for my audience to come and have an amazing experience,” Urban explained. “I don’t judge anyone who enjoys drugs or alcohol. People have the right to do what brings them joy. But for me, I’ve come to realize that I have an allergy to it. You could say that when I drink, I break out in handcuffs,” he chuckled.

Meanwhile, his wife, Nicole Kidman, expressed her unwavering support for Urban during the recent Oscars. Despite performing a concert in Las Vegas just hours before, Urban flew to Los Angeles to accompany Kidman, who was nominated for her outstanding performance in “Being the Ricardos.”

Grateful for her husband’s dedication, Kidman shared her joy, saying, “I’m so happy to be here, and I’m so grateful to have my husband by my side. He played a show in Vegas last night and flew in at 1:00 a.m. Whatever it takes, he’s there for me.”

Keith Urban’s story is one of triumph over adversity, love, and the power of family. His candidness about his past struggles and his commitment to being the best version of himself for his loved ones is an inspiration to all.