It was a supposed to be the happiest moment of her life, the day she got engaged to the love of her life. Little did she know that this joyous occasion would turn into a nightmare.

Eight months ago, after her fiancé proposed to her, they began planning their dream wedding. They were filled with excitement and dreams of a future together. It seemed like they were a perfect match, their love undeniable.

However, just two days before their wedding, her fiancé dropped a bombshell. He requested that his father inspect her hymen in front of his male relatives to ensure that she was still a virgin. Shocked and taken aback, she first thought it was a joke. But to her dismay, her fiancé was dead serious. In his family, it was a tradition for the bride’s virginity to be checked before the wedding.

Understandably, the woman was skeptical and unsure if she should go along with it. She couldn’t believe that her fiancé expected her to undergo such an invasive and humiliating examination. Confused and torn, she sought solace at a friend’s house to contemplate her decision.

After a sleepless night, she gathered the courage to confront her fiancé. She told him that she wouldn’t subject herself to such a degrading ceremony and that he needed to respect her choice. However, instead of understanding and support, he accused her of lying and things quickly spiraled out of control. He became aggressive and even resorted to physical violence, slapping her for standing her ground.

Heartbroken and disillusioned, the woman realized that the man she once loved was not who he seemed to be. In that moment, she knew she had to call off the wedding and end the relationship.

It was a painful and difficult period for the woman. She leaned on her friends for support as she navigated through her emotions and began the healing process. With time, she learned to pick herself back up and move forward.

This true story has left many people shocked and speechless. It serves as a reminder that love doesn’t always guarantee respect and understanding. It poses the question: What would you do if faced with a similar situation?