A heartwarming story about a woman’s clever way of saving money while paying tribute to her recently deceased husband, Fred Brown. When she went to the local newspaper office to publish the obituary, she was told it would cost 50 cents a word. Without missing a beat, she decided to keep it simple and said, “Well, then, let it read ‘Fred Brown died’.” However, the editor informed her about the 7-word minimum for obituaries. Undeterred, the woman put her thinking cap on and replied, “In that case, ‘Fred Brown died: 1983 Pick-up for sale’.”

Today, we gather to mourn the passing of a dear old friend, Common Sense. This wise companion has stood by us for countless years, teaching us important life lessons along the way. While we may not know Common Sense’s exact age due to lost birth records, we will forever cherish the wisdom it imparted upon us.

Common Sense guided us in understanding simple truths, like seeking shelter when it rains, the benefits of early rising, and the reality that life isn’t always fair. It reminded us to take responsibility for our actions and to live within our means. It stressed the importance of adults assuming the role of authority figures in the lives of children.

However, as time went on, Common Sense’s health began to decline. It struggled under the weight of excessive regulations that hindered personal freedom. Stories emerged of young students facing severe consequences for innocent actions, such as a six-year-old being charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate. Teachers faced unfair reprimands for disciplining unruly students, while parents failed to take responsibility for their children’s behavior.

Common Sense further deteriorated when schools required parental consent for simple acts like administering basic first aid, but neglected to inform parents about important matters like teenage pregnancy and abortion. It witnessed churches prioritizing profit over faith and criminals receiving better treatment than their victims. Common Sense reached its breaking point when individuals were unable to defend themselves in their own homes without fear of legal repercussions.

After enduring countless blows, Common Sense finally succumbed when a 7-year-old child was suspended from school for shaping a Pop Tart into the form of a gun. Its passing symbolizes the loss of reason, truth, trust, responsibility, and discretion.

In its stead, three stepbrothers have stepped forward: I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I’m A Victim. Regrettably, many failed to recognize the value of Common Sense during its lifetime, resulting in a small turnout for its funeral.

In memory of Common Sense, let us take a moment to reflect on the importance of his teachings. If you, too, appreciate the wisdom of Common Sense, we kindly ask you to share this obituary. Let others experience the profound impact it had on our lives. Leave a comment on Facebook to pay your respects and share your thoughts on when Common Sense ceased to exist in society.