Can you imagine stumbling upon an enormous snake while hiking in the wilderness? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one brave hiker at Florence’s Jeffries Creek Park in South Carolina. This snake was so big that even Indiana Jones might have thought twice before approaching it! The incredible encounter was shared by Meredith Langley in a Facebook post she posted in the South Carolina Hiking club group.

Langley couldn’t help but marvel at how perfectly the snake blended into its surroundings. It was a good teaching moment for Langley’s children, who sometimes forget to stay close to her on the trails. It’s easy to see why! The snake resembled a stick or branch, making it difficult to spot at first.

The snake in question was identified as a brown water snake from the Nerodia genus. While these snakes may look intimidating due to their thick and muscular bodies, they are not deadly. Greg Lucas, a biologist with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, confirmed this. Water snakes usually reach their full size between 30 and 60 inches.

It’s not uncommon to come across snakes like water snakes and water moccasins in the area where Langley and her children frequently hike. However, the snake Langley encountered was at least four feet long when fully extended. Despite its impressive size, it showed no fear or aggression towards Langley and her children.

Langley was amazed by the snake’s calm and composed demeanor. It seemed to be aware of its ability to defend itself if necessary but had no intention of wasting energy on a needless fight. This encounter left Langley with a deep respect and admiration for the creature and its natural habitat. She believes it is crucial to approach nature with reverence and appreciation.

Let’s spread the word about this incredible encounter! If you or your loved ones are fascinated by snakes, feel free to share this post.