It was Dave’s birthday, and his loving wife wanted to surprise him with something special. She decided to take him to a strip club, thinking it would be a fun and exciting experience for both of them. Little did she know that this surprise would take an unexpected turn.

As they arrived at the club, the doorman greeted Dave with familiarity, calling him by name. Perplexed, his wife questioned whether he had been to this club before. Dave quickly reassured her, explaining that the doorman was actually a member of his bowling team. It turned out that he was a regular at the club.

Once they were settled at a table, a waitress approached Dave and asked if he wanted his usual drink, a Budweiser. His wife was taken aback, wondering how the waitress knew his preferred choice of beverage. Dave chuckled and shared that the waitress was also a member of the Ladies’ Bowling League, and they often shared lanes and drinks during their bowling sessions.

Just as Dave’s wife was starting to feel uncomfortable, a stripper approached their table and embraced Dave, calling him by the nickname “Davey.” Offering him a lap dance, she seemed to know him very well. This was the final straw for Dave’s wife, who became furious and stormed out of the club, gripping her purse tightly.

Dave, not wanting to let his wife leave alone in anger, quickly followed her and hopped into the cab she had hailed. Desperately, he tried to explain that the stripper had mistaken him for someone else, but his wife was too enraged to listen. She unleashed her anger at him, shouting and using every name in the book.

To add insult to injury, the cab driver turned his head and remarked, “Looks like you picked up a real character tonight, Dave.”