Oh, the selfie. It’s a phenomenon that has taken the world by storm, with people from all walks of life snapping photos of themselves and sharing them on social media. Love it or hate it, the selfie is here to stay!

But sometimes, selfies don’t turn out as planned. In fact, they can be photobombed by unexpected and hilarious things happening in the background. These moments transform ordinary pictures into pieces of art that will make you laugh out loud. Today, we’re sharing some of the funniest selfie fails that the world has ever seen. So sit back, relax, and enjoy scrolling through these hilarious moments. And remember, always check the background before taking a selfie!

Spider Photo-Bombs A Selfie

Mama’s Big Boy

Probably The Best Photobomb Of All Time

What are your thoughts on selfies, my dear readers? Is your Instagram feed filled with perfectly captured, flattering selfies that highlight your best features? Or do you prefer to turn the camera towards your friends and family instead? Personally, I’ve never been a huge fan of taking selfies, but I have to admit they have their perks. When asking someone else to take a photo of me, it can be challenging to convey exactly what I have in mind. The angles might be off, they might get too close or too far away, and often the pictures end up blurry. But when I’m in control, I can capture an image that matches my vision perfectly. Plus, it saves us from arguing about what makes a “good photo.”

Selfies have been around for a while, especially among solo travelers and those who received a Polaroid camera as a gift back in the day. But they have a history that goes even further back than you might expect. Despite the common belief that Paris Hilton “invented” the selfie, it was actually American photographer Robert Cornelius who is credited with taking the first known selfie in 1839. He captured the photo using a daguerreotype in Philadelphia, marking a significant milestone in self-portraiture.

I May See A Better Selfie Of A Man, A Baby And A Dog This Month But I Doubt It

Little Girl Selfie Gets Photobombed By Bear-Like Father

Even This Dog Is Sick Of Her Selfies

Since then, selfies have come a long way. We’ve witnessed countless innovations in the selfie world. However, one form of selfie that is still popular today originated in the early 1900s—the mirror selfie. The first documented mirror selfie was taken with a Kodak Brownie box camera and features an unknown woman. Despite being over a century old, the image looks surprisingly similar to mirror selfies we see on Instagram stories today. The only difference? The fashion and decor might be a bit outdated.

While we often associate selfies with teenagers on Snapchat and Instagram, they actually existed long before the selfie trend took off among teens. The first known teenage selfie was captured in 1913 by 13-year-old Anastasia Nikolaevna, a member of the Russian royal family. Using a Kodak Brownie, she unknowingly participated in a trend that would later be followed by millions, if not billions, of teens around the world. If you’re curious to see the iconic photo, you can find it right here!

Mirror Selfie. Look Closely

That Moment Your Camera Focuses On A Horse’s Butt Instead Of Your Selfie

Mirror Reflection

Today, selfies are a common part of our lives, with many of us familiar with the concept. Surprisingly, the term “selfie” didn’t exist until 2002 when an Australian man named “Hopey” posted a photo of his injured lip online with the caption, “Um, drunk at a mates 21st, I tripped over and landed lip first (with front teeth coming a very close second) on a set of steps. I had a hole about 1cm long right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie.” In 2014, the term was officially added to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, solidifying its place in the English language.

Little Brother Fail

This Traffic Ugh

I Had This On My Refrigerator For 6 Years Before I Noticed It

Do you have a moment to talk about the legend himself, the selfie stick? This creation gained immense popularity in the early 2000s, with some people buying it as a joke, while others genuinely appreciated its usefulness. But did you know it was actually invented twice?

The first version of the selfie stick was invented in the 1980s by Hiroshi Ueda, an employee at the Minolta camera company. While traveling in Europe, Ueda faced a problem at the Louvre Museum in Paris. He asked a child to take a photo of him and his friends, but when he stepped away, the child ran off with his camera. Determined to find a solution, Ueda came up with the “extender stick,” an extendable stick with a tripod screw that could accommodate small cameras. He even added a mirror to the front of the camera, allowing him to see exactly what would be in the frame.

When You See It

Went To Take A Selfie With The Dogs And…

HEY GIVE THEM SPACE… It’s a beautiful moment, have you no couth?

The selfie stick idea did not take off at that time, despite Ueda persuading Minolta to sell it. But Ueda himself continued to use it, always carrying a pocket camera and extender stick with him. He described it as an extension of his arm, ready to capture moments whenever and wherever he pleased.

Today, smartphones have made taking selfies even easier. Back in the day, we had to awkwardly turn our phones around to see our faces or rely on mirrors for mirror selfies. But now, with front-facing cameras and advanced selfie features, we have so many options at our fingertips.

Some Friends Took A Picture And Later Realized That The People In The Background Were Stuffing A Baby In A Cannon

My Friend Got His Tux In And Sent Me A Pic. I Had To Bring It To His Attention What Was Going On In The Background

All Dressed Up For A Ke$ha Themed Birthday Party And I Couldn’t Resist A Car Selfie

Isn’t it amazing how far selfies have come? From capturing hilarious photobombs to immortalizing moments in our lives, selfies have become a part of our culture. Even though some people might dismiss selfies as a trend, they are undeniably a form of self-expression and a way to document our experiences.

We hope you enjoyed this collection of amusing selfies gone wrong! Remember to always check the background before snapping that shot. And if you want to see more adorable selfies taken by animals, check out our another hilarious list right here!

When You See It

Must Concentrate On My Pose

Selfie Background Fail

Note: This article was originally longer, but we have selected the top 30 images based on user votes for your enjoyment.