Nature never ceases to amaze us with its stunning transformations. One of its wonders that captures our imagination is the phenomenon of cross seas – waves that form intricate grids in the water. However, this mesmerizing sight can also be incredibly dangerous.

Cross seas occur when two sets of wave systems blend at angles greater than 45 degrees or when wind and swell push waves in different directions. While the visual spectacle is breathtaking, these grids hide treacherous currents that can wreck ships and pose a threat to swimmers. In fact, many boating accidents and shipwrecks have been attributed to cross seas.

The European Space Agency explains that these conditions are quite common in the ocean when a windsea and a swell, or two swell systems, coexist. A study in 2004 revealed that a large percentage of ship accidents occurred in crossing sea states.

One area where cross seas are particularly prevalent is the western coast of France, at the Isle Rhe. As it is extremely dangerous to enter the water during this phenomenon, tourists can witness these water grids from the safety of a lighthouse on the western part of the island.

So, the next time you come across these captivating square wave patterns in the ocean, remember to stay out of the water immediately. While nature’s beauty is undeniable, it’s always important to prioritize your safety.