Turkish airline Corendon has sparked a debate in the aviation industry with its plans to introduce “Only Adult” sections on its flights, effectively banning children from these designated areas. Some travelers welcome the idea of a peaceful flight, while others question its feasibility.

Starting from November 3, 2023, Corendon will offer adult passengers the option to sit in these child-free zones on its A350 flights between Amsterdam and the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao. For an additional fee of £38 to £105, passengers can enjoy what Corendon describes as a “calm and relaxed flight” in these segregated areas.

The adult-only section will have 102 seats, including 93 standard seats and nine extra-legroom “XL” seats, separated from the rest of the cabin by walls and curtains. Corendon’s rationale for creating these zones is to provide a “shielded environment” that contributes to a more peaceful and relaxed flight experience for adult passengers.

To reserve a seat in the adult-only zone, passengers must be over 16 years old. The cost varies from 45 euros (£38/$48) for standard seats to 100 euros (£85/$107) for XL seats. The airline aims to cater to travelers who desire a quieter atmosphere and also believes that it can have a positive impact on parents traveling with small children, who may worry less about potential disruptions from their kids.

Atilay Uslu, the founder of Corendon, explained the motivation behind this initiative, stating, “On board our flights, we always strive to respond to the different needs of our customers. We are also the first Dutch airline to introduce the Only Adult zone because we cater to travelers looking for some extra peace of mind during their flight. We also believe this can have a positive effect on parents traveling with small children. They can enjoy the flight without worrying if their children make more noise.”

The announcement of Corendon’s “Only Adult” zones has generated mixed responses on social media platforms. Some travelers expressed their willingness to pay extra for the opportunity to enjoy a child-free flight, citing the existence of adult-only resorts, parties, and weddings as precedents for such a concept.

“I would honestly pay extra to be on adult-only flights,” said one Twitter user.

Another Twitter user commented, “They have adult-only resorts, parties, weddings, so flights shouldn’t be an issue.”

However, there were also concerns raised about the practicality of creating a genuinely quiet section on a plane, as the sound of a crying baby can travel throughout the aircraft.

“There can’t be a ‘quiet’ section on the plane. One screaming baby can be heard anywhere on that plane,” one Twitter user pointed out.

Corendon is not the first airline to offer passengers the option of child-free travel. Scoot, a low-cost subsidiary of Singapore Airlines, introduced “ScootinSilence” seats on its flights, banning under-12s from this designated area. Japan Airlines also provides a feature on its booking system that indicates which seats on the plane will be occupied by infants up to the age of two.

In summary, Corendon’s decision to introduce “Only Adult” zones on its flights has sparked a lively debate about the merits and practicality of such segregated sections. While some travelers welcome the idea of a quieter flight, others question whether it’s possible to create a truly noise-free environment on an aircraft. The airline aims to cater to the diverse needs of its passengers, offering options for those seeking a more peaceful journey while acknowledging the importance of inclusivity and understanding among all passengers, regardless of age. The aviation industry will be closely watching how this concept unfolds and whether it becomes a trend among other airlines.