Veganism Controversy Erupts After TikToker Denied Service

Being a vegan can sometimes be tough, as Amie-Beth Stedman, a vegan from Essex, England, discovered recently. She was excited for a night out with a friend and they chose a local restaurant called Sheesh known for its barbecue delights. However, there was one small problem—Stedman is a vegan.

In the past, Stedman had attempted to dine at Sheesh and tried ordering some sides from the menu to accommodate her vegan preferences. But this time, she decided to call ahead and check if they could make a vegan-friendly exception. Unfortunately, it took a turn for the worse.

When Stedman reached out to the restaurant, the response wasn’t what she had hoped for. The lady on the phone informed her that Sheesh doesn’t cater to vegans. Stedman explained that she understood but simply wanted some of the side dishes. However, the response she received was shocking.

The employee rudely remarked, “I don’t even know why a vegan would want to come to our restaurant anyway.” Stedman was taken aback, not just by the restaurant’s lack of accommodation for vegans but also by the disrespectful tone.

Upset by the whole incident, Stedman decided to share her experience on TikTok. Her video went viral, and many comments poured in supporting her, stating that in 2023, every restaurant should be vegan-friendly.

Being a vegan can be challenging, especially when dining out. It’s disheartening to encounter such limited choices and even face rude behavior. Stay tuned for more stories of vegan experiences and tips for navigating the vegan lifestyle!