Parenting can be overwhelming sometimes, with so many challenges and responsibilities. Anna Mathur, a psychotherapist and author, understands this struggle all too well. That’s why she has launched a social media campaign to raise awareness for parents who need a little support in their busy lives. With her nearly two hundred thousand followers on Instagram, Mathur is not just an influencer, but someone who knows what she’s talking about when it comes to parenting and leading a fulfilling life as a mother.

Mathur came up with a simple yet powerful idea – tying a colorful ribbon to your bag or purse to indicate that you could use a kind word or some encouragement from strangers. She believes that more people should feel comfortable reaching out for support when they need it. As she puts it, “I was walking down the high street, and one of the kids was screaming, and the other two were lagging behind. And I had that feeling, you know, that feeling where you have nothing in the tank, and you don’t know what to do?”

We’ve all been there, in moments when we could use a helping hand or just someone to talk to. Mathur wondered what stops us from asking for help and what stops others from offering it. As a mother herself, she understands the feeling of being overwhelmed and even feeling like a failure for needing support. She recalls a time when she dropped one of her kids off at nursery for the first time and walked into a cafe, feeling emotional and in need of understanding.

To address this issue and create a supportive community, Mathur suggests that mothers tie a colorful ribbon to their bags as a signal that they are open to receiving kind words or support. The ribbon serves as a statement that they are willing to connect with others and to offer support in return. Mathur explains, “It’s also for those who’ve been offered support before but said they were ‘fine thanks,’ when they weren’t. So it might be a statement to yourself that you’re stepping out in letting others step toward you!”

This idea may seem simple, but it has the potential to make a big difference in the lives of parents who often feel overwhelmed and isolated. Mathur acknowledges that the success of the ribbon campaign is uncertain, but she is willing to try and see what happens. For those who want something more official, Mathur suggests checking out @AMotherPlace and @StacieSwift, who created “Yo” buggy tags a couple of years ago. These tags can be found on the @AMotherPlace website and serve as a way to indicate that you’re open to having a chat or helping another parent.

So, what do you think about this ribbon idea? It’s a small gesture that could have a significant impact on the lives of parents, creating a supportive and understanding community. Next time you see a woman with a ribbon tied to her bag, remember that she may be in need of a kind word or some support. And who knows, you might just make someone’s day a little brighter by offering that support.