
In a desperate attempt to alleviate their financial struggles, a woman from Slovenia made a shocking decision that would change her life forever. Julija Adlesic, along with her boyfriend, conspired to carry out a horrifying plan to sever her own hand in 2019.

Their plan involved using a circular saw to detach her left hand above the wrist. With the intention of permanently disabling herself, they carefully chose to leave the severed hand at home, ensuring that surgeons wouldn’t be able to reattach it.

However, their scheme was soon discovered when Julija arrived at the hospital for medical attention. Authorities swiftly responded to the scene and retrieved the severed hand. It became evident that this act was no accident, but a deliberate attempt to fraudulently claim a $1.1 million insurance payout.

The motivation behind this extreme measure stemmed from Julija’s dire financial situation. Suffering from personal bankruptcy and significant debts, she saw this desperate act as a way out of her financial woes. It is worth noting that she had set up insurance deals a year prior, with half of the payout to be received immediately upon the incident.

During the trial, evidence further surfaced that demonstrated the premeditated nature of the act. Julija’s partner, Sebastien Abramov, had been researching how artificial hands were utilized, solidifying the notion that cutting off her hand was a deliberate, calculated decision.

Despite overwhelming evidence and the severity of the crime, Julija maintained her insistence that she would never subject herself to such a horrific act willingly. She spoke out, saying, “No one wants to be crippled. My youth has been destroyed. I lost my hand at the age of 20. Only I know how it happened.”

In 2021, Julija, along with her partner and his parents, made a deal with the prosecutors and pleaded guilty. Initially, she was sentenced to three years in prison, while her partner received a sentence of two years and five months. The judge considered these sentences to be fair and fitting, adequately serving their purpose.

However, a second hearing resulted in a reduction of the sentences by half. Consequently, Julija was released from prison in 2022, having served only one year behind bars.

It is a shocking reminder that desperation can drive individuals to take extreme measures. This incident serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of seeking alternative solutions and assistance during times of financial hardship.