Have you ever come across something that seemed like it only belonged in the realm of science fiction? But then, as time went by, it turned into a reality? Well, the world of medical science has its fair share of such miraculous tales, and here’s one that will astonish you.

Our story takes place in the West Bank, Palestine, where a 12-year-old boy named Suleiman Hassan was riding his bike when he was struck by a car. The impact of the accident caused what is known as an internal decapitation, a rare condition that occurs in only 1% of spinal injuries. In this case, the skull detaches completely from the spine while the skin remains intact.

Usually, this type of injury is caused by a traumatic event, such as a car accident, where the muscles and ligaments that hold the skull in place are torn. Shockingly, 7 out of 10 people suffering from this type of injury do not survive the journey to the hospital. However, Suleiman had the fortune of being rushed to the Hadassah Ein Kerem’s Trauma Unit in Jerusalem.

Once he arrived at the hospital, he underwent a complex surgery. The doctors discovered that his head was almost completely detached from his body. Through the skillful use of screws, plates, and rods, they successfully reattached his skull to his spinal column. In an unusual move, they also utilized bone grafts during the procedure.

One of the surgeons involved in the operation had recently completed a fellowship in Toronto, Canada, bringing innovative techniques to the table. Another surgeon explained, “We fought for the boy’s life. The procedure itself is extremely complicated and took several hours. In the operating room, we even used new plates and fixations in the damaged area.”

He further added, “Our ability to save the child was a result of our expertise and the most cutting-edge technology available in the operating room.”

Following the surgery, Suleiman underwent rehabilitation to regain movement in his neck. The treatment began in early June, but the remarkable results were not announced until his discharge. Doctors are closely monitoring his recovery, ensuring that he continues to progress.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Suleiman’s father never left his side. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude, saying, “I will be forever thankful for saving my beloved son. Bless you all. Thanks to you, he regained his life against all odds and in the face of obvious danger. It was the professionalism, technology, and quick decision-making of the trauma and orthopedics team that saved him. All I can say is a big thank you.”

Sometimes, it is these incredible stories of human resilience and the wonders of medical science that remind us of the miracles happening around us.