One of the most exciting moments in a parent’s life is when they are expecting a child. The anticipation builds up, and it’s a joyful time. Matt and Jodi Parry understood this feeling well. Not new to parenting, they already had a son. But this time, they were preparing for something even more special – twins!

Their excitement turned into fear and anxiety when the doctor delivered unexpected news. The twins had Down syndrome. It was a shock, and they didn’t know what to expect. Instead of receiving reassurance, the doctor described the diagnosis as a life-long punishment. Jodi felt lost and confused, unsure of what it meant to be a mother in that moment. They were also told that their chances of successfully delivering twins with Down syndrome were incredibly slim, just one in a million.

Facing the news alone, the Parry family felt unsupported. Nobody took the time to explain how much joy raising these twins could bring. Fear engulfed them, but they decided to continue with their family and seek information on their own. Some people pitied them, but they believed there had to be a silver lining to find.

Reflecting on that day, Jodi says, “To this day, I’ll never know what he felt sorry for. If I could ever meet him again, I’d like to show him my daughters and ask why did you say sorry?” They wouldn’t trade their daughters for anything in the world.

Now, five years have passed, and the girls have proven just how wrong the doctor and anyone else with prejudiced beliefs were that day. Everyone deserves a chance, and this family is grateful for having that chance.