Celebrity quirks have always fascinated us. We’re all familiar with the strange and peculiar habits that come attached to fame. And Leonardo DiCaprio is no exception. The 22-year-old model, Hieke Konings, recently went public with some interesting revelations about the renowned actor.

Describing him as “weird and old,” she left no room for doubt about her experience. According to Konings, her encounter with DiCaprio at a private Los Angeles club wasn’t exactly stellar. Spotting him sitting there in a black cap and hoodie, she was taken by surprise when DiCaprio’s manager approached her and said that Leo wanted to talk.

As DiCaprio led her to the table, they engaged in a conversation. It wasn’t long before she brought up the topic of him exclusively dating models under 25 years old. To her surprise, he openly admitted it. Their discussion eventually led to a kiss, which Konings described as “not the best” but not the worst either.

Afterward, DiCaprio invited her back to his place, but she declined. Her refusal shocked him, as he wasn’t accustomed to being turned down. She explained that she didn’t know him well enough, and he respected her decision.

Interestingly, Konings also shared some unusual encounters her friends had with DiCaprio when it came to intimacy. One friend claimed that he kept his earphones in during moments of intimacy because he didn’t want to hear her. Another friend mentioned that he even placed a pillow on her head.

With these revelations, it seems that Leonardo DiCaprio possesses some unique intimacy quirks. Whether it’s wearing earphones or using a pillow, it’s safe to say that he has his own distinct preferences. As Konings bluntly stated, “No, Leo is too weird and too old.”

It’s always intriguing to learn these little tidbits about celebrities, as it reminds us that they are just like everyone else, with their own peculiarities. We can only imagine what other interesting quirks are hidden behind the glamorous image.