We all know who Taylor Swift is, her music is everywhere. But have you ever heard of Jessica McLane? She went to the same high school as Taylor Swift and has a few things to say about their time together.

According to McLane, Taylor Swift attended Hendersonville High School in Nashville, Tennessee. This was before Swift became a famous singer. Swift was a junior at the time and had just moved to the area from Pennsylvania to pursue her country music career. While at the public school, she released the song “Teardrops on My Guitar,” which became a hit.

But McLane reveals that Swift wasn’t exactly popular with her classmates. In fact, many of them hated her. And why? It all came down to jealousy. Swift’s success in the music industry made her the target of resentment among her peers.

In a viral TikTok video, McLane shares her experiences and admits that she didn’t have much personal interaction with Taylor, but she heard the rumors being spread about her family. The competitive atmosphere in Nashville, with so many aspiring musicians, spilled over into high school. Taylor had a head start and was gaining fame and recognition at a very young age, which didn’t sit well with her classmates.

McLane also mentions that Taylor Swift’s songs were often inspired by the shortcomings of her ex-boyfriends, which drew sharp criticism. Other people on TikTok who also attended the same school corroborated McLane’s claims of jealousy and animosity towards Swift.

However, it seems that Swift may have had the last laugh. In 2009, she invited the entire senior class to the Country Music Association Awards, perhaps subtly showing off her success to her former classmates.

As expected, Taylor Swift’s fans came to her defense, praising her energy and stage presence. But regardless, it’s important to remember that high school can be tough for anyone, and Swift may have had her fair share of difficult times.

Regardless of her past, Taylor Swift is now living a successful and fulfilling life.