Style influencer Candace Cima, a 76-year-old grandmother to 11 grandchildren, recently faced criticism for sharing a photo of herself modeling a sleeveless midi dress. While the post received a mix of comments, not all of them were positive. This incident has highlighted the need to challenge outdated notions about age-appropriate fashion.

Candace expressed her surprise at the negative comments, stating, “People have such outdated notions about age-appropriate fashion, and that needs to change.” She proudly showcased a brown knit sleeveless dress paired with a sweater, embracing her unique style.

Despite the rude remarks, Candace paid them little attention. Instead, she focused on offering advice to her newest and younger followers. She emphasized the beauty of aging, stating, “Aging is great. Everything you have learned your entire life is now there for you. You are now the wisest that you are ever going to be. Embrace it and be proud.”

Candace’s journey as a style influencer began in 2019 when she noticed a lack of representation for older women in the fashion industry. She saw an opportunity to address the need for guidance on dressing as one gets older. Traditional norms, passed down from mothers and grandmothers, have long dictated that women should cover up. However, Candace believes it’s time to shift the way we think about age and redefine fashion in a modern world.

Through her fashion blog, Candace aims to inspire and empower older women to embrace their unique style. She encourages them to break free from society’s expectations and celebrate their bodies, regardless of age. Wrinkled skin is a natural part of life for many, including Candace herself, and she refuses to be ashamed of it.

Let’s join Candace in championing a new perspective on age-appropriate fashion. It’s time to celebrate the wisdom and beauty that come with age and embrace our individuality.