Celebrity Walks Off The View While The Audience Looked On In Shock

Dermot Mulroney, the 59-year-old actor famous from his days on Friends, made a bold statement during his recent appearance on ABC’s The View. He decided to show his support for the ongoing strike by the people in the Writer’s Guild of America. In the middle of his interview, Mulroney dramatically walked off the stage, leaving the audience in shock.

But Mulroney didn’t leave the hosts of The View hanging. Before his departure, he made sure to put in a plug for his new Disney+ series, Secret Invasion. The first episode had already aired prior to his interview. Mulroney, in a symbolic act, informed the show that he would be walking off in support of the writers’ strike.

Despite his dramatic exit, Mulroney remained professional and thanked the co-hosts of The View for giving him airtime to promote his new show. He spoke about his lengthy career in Hollywood, his family, and his previous roles before focusing on his latest work for Disney+. Secret Invasion, a superhero action series, is expected to be a hit among Americans.

During the commercial break, Mulroney returned to the set to take photos with the hosts of The View, intending to share them with his fans on social media. It was clear that his walk-off was entirely symbolic.

After leaving the stage, Mulroney issued a statement explaining his actions: “Since I have such respect for The View, a news program with a heart, it was there that I felt comfortable enough to draw attention to the ongoing WGA strike for fair wages and working hours, as I find it incredibly important to continue to support the union.”

It’s worth noting that The View has managed to stay on the air during the strike because it mostly employs people who are not part of the union. The strike has been ongoing for over fifty days as the union strives to reach an agreement with Hollywood executives.