Do you ever feel like you spend a lot of time cleaning and maintaining your belongings? Well, you’re not alone. As we accumulate more things, we also accumulate more things to take care of. And when it comes to cleaning our houses, there are often hidden areas that we overlook. One such area is the popup toaster oven, which has a secret compartment that many people don’t even know about.

Thanks to TikToker Kacie, thousands of people now know about this hidden compartment in their toasters. Kacie’s step-by-step process of cleaning the popup toaster has revealed that it’s actually easier to clean than most people originally thought. She shared this cleaning hack after seeing ineffective methods being shared on the internet.

Kacie’s video on cleaning toasters has gained a lot of attention on TikTok, with over 92,000 views and counting. Her page, The Big Clean Co, is dedicated to helping people keep their homes as clean as possible. She shares valuable cleaning tips and even takes questions from her fans.

In one instance, a TikTok user asked Kacie how to remove stubborn water stains from a glass shower. Kacie had the perfect solution. She advised the user to use a non-scratch sponge and products like Gumptions or Bar Keeper’s Friend. After scrubbing the stain, rinse it off with water and admire your hard work.

Now, back to the hidden compartment in toasters. If you have a toaster oven, it’s worth checking out Kacie’s video on how to clean it. The process is surprisingly simple and straightforward. And if you don’t have a toaster oven, now might be a great time to invest in one. You never know, you might discover a hidden compartment in it, just like Kacie did!

So, with this newfound knowledge, there’s no excuse not to keep your toaster oven spick and span. Give it a try and let your toaster thank you for it!