Candy Lovers Are Shocked To Learn What M&M’s Actually Stands For

Are you a fan of those delicious M&M’s chocolates? Well, get ready for a surprising revelation! TikTok user Claire Dinhut from London recently took to the popular social media platform to unveil the true meaning behind the beloved candy’s name. And let me tell you, it’s all about “family drama.”

According to Claire, M&M stands for Mars and Murrie. These names refer to Forrest Mars Sr. and Bruce Murrie, two prominent chocolatiers and business collaborators. They joined forces to create the legendary candy-coated chocolates that we all know and love today.

But here’s where the family drama comes in. Forrest Mars Sr. had a falling out with his father, who was the original owner of the Mars candy brand. Instead of sitting back and accepting defeat, Forrest decided to partner with another candy maker to create something extraordinary.

Intriguingly, Forrest Mars Sr. approached Hershey’s, the rival company, for collaboration. He didn’t want his father to know about his new venture. The man in charge of Hershey’s at the time, whose last name was Murrie, agreed to work together but under one condition – Forrest had to work with Murrie’s son.

And that’s when the magic happened. The duo joined forces and gave birth to the iconic candy-coated chocolates. But they didn’t just stop at that. In a stroke of genius, they decided to name the chocolates after themselves, combining their last names. Thus, M&M’s were born.

It’s incredible how this simple idea turned into a global phenomenon. And the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. M&M’s came into existence just before World War II, and during the war, they struck a deal with the government. Every soldier received a pack of M&M’s in their bag, skyrocketing the candies’ popularity.

So, the next time you savor those colorful little treats, remember the sweet family drama that led to the creation of M&M’s. It’s like a story straight out of a Hollywood movie!