Liam Deane, a father who committed a horrendous crime, was sentenced to prison for the murder of his two-day-old baby girl, Luna. He confessed to brutally punching and shaking her, causing fatal brain injuries. Shockingly, just a month into his prison sentence, Deane was found dead in his cell. Fellow inmate John Westland is now facing accusations for killing Deane, and his trial has already begun.

Deane’s confession revealed his cold and heartless actions towards his defenseless baby. He explained to the court that Luna’s crying irritated him, leading him to unleash his aggression on her. He struck her repeatedly until she stopped crying, inflicting injuries that ultimately claimed her life. This brutal crime resulted in Deane being sentenced to life imprisonment.

Although Luna survived for three days after the attack, medical professionals fought to save her life. Despite their efforts, she tragically succumbed to her injuries in the hospital. The diligent work of doctors and nurses serves as a reminder of the dedication to protecting innocent lives, even in the face of such heinous acts.

Deane’s demise in prison raises many questions, but it is believed that Westland sought to deliver his own form of punishment for Deane’s heinous crime against a defenseless baby girl.

During the court proceedings, Deane’s prosecutor highlighted his disturbing admission, stating, “[Deane] said he was responsible for all of the injuries that she had suffered, and he said that Luna had not settled down and he lost control.” Richard Wright, Deane’s defense attorney, acknowledged the gravity of his client’s actions, expressing that they were completely out of character for Deane. Wright emphasized that the prison sentence would offer Deane ample time for reflection on his dreadful behavior.

The victim’s mother also provided a heart-wrenching statement through Wright. She conveyed the devastating experience of seeing Luna on life support in the hospital, an image that will haunt her forever. She expressed the hope that no other parent would have to endure the pain she suffered. She also believed that no sentence could ever truly reflect the magnitude of Deane’s actions.

The precise relationship between Deane and Westland remains unclear. However, Westland’s act of violence against Deane suggests that he strongly condemned Deane’s crime. While seeking retribution, Westland ended up taking the life of another human being.

Although Deane’s demise ensures he will never harm another child, it cannot negate the unimaginable loss of an innocent baby girl. The memory of Luna’s tragic fate will forever remind us of the importance of protecting the vulnerable and ensuring that justice prevails.