Meet Baby Junior Cox-Noon, the adorable British baby who made headlines with his luxurious long locks of hair. Born at Brighton General Hospital, Junior weighed a healthy ten pounds at birth. However, it wasn’t just his size that caught everyone’s attention, but his abundant hair that led his family to affectionately nickname him “Baby Bear.” When Junior’s mother, Chelsea Noon, shared photos of her son on social media, the images quickly went viral, captivating people from around the world.

According to Chelsea, Junior was born with an impressive head of hair. It was only during his first bath that Chelsea truly realized just how much hair he had. While it’s common for babies’ hair to fall out within a few months, Junior’s hair not only remained intact but continued to grow. The midwives and health visitors assured Chelsea that Junior’s hair would eventually shed, as often happens when babies rub their heads on the back of their cots. However, much to everyone’s surprise, Junior’s hair persisted.

As a thirty-two-year-old mother of three, Chelsea found that her weekly trips to the grocery store suddenly became much longer. Everywhere she went, shoppers would do a double-take at the sight of Junior’s remarkable hair, prompting countless questions. “Oh my God, look at the baby’s hair!” they would say, unable to resist touching her son’s luscious locks. But Junior seemed to take it all in stride, often giving a mischievous smirk in response.

To care for Junior’s amazing hair, Chelsea has established a hair care routine. After his bath, she uses a blow dryer to dry his hair quickly, knowing that air drying would take too long. While some may consider Junior’s long hair unnatural, Chelsea adores her son’s unique look and has no intention of trimming it any time soon.

Despite claims that mothers who carry babies with long hair experience more heartburn during pregnancy, Chelsea confirmed that she did, in fact, suffer from severe heartburn while carrying Junior. Her other two children, Mitchell and Preston, now six and four years old, respectively, did not have as much hair as Junior when they were born.

The entire family, including Junior’s doting siblings, adores their little “Baby Bear.” Explaining their nickname for him, Chelsea shared that he looks like a cute little bear most of the time, but when he’s angry, he resembles a small gremlin. The love and affection for Junior is undeniable within the Cox-Noon family.

Reflecting on her pregnancy journey, Chelsea expressed that while the pregnancy itself was manageable, labor was a different story. As Junior’s head got momentarily stuck during delivery, emergency personnel had to be called in, and Chelsea experienced significant blood loss. Despite these challenging moments, Chelsea and her family cherish Baby Junior and the joy he has brought into their lives.

Now at thirteen and a half pounds, Junior continues to defy expectations, growing more than the average baby his age. But don’t be mistaken, as adorable as Junior is, Chelsea is adamant that he will be her last child. After enduring a labor fraught with difficulties, including losing a liter of blood, Chelsea is content with her beautiful family of five and doesn’t plan on having any more 12-pounders in the future.

So next time you see an adorable baby with a head full of hair, just remember Junior Cox-Noon, the little “Baby Bear” who captured the hearts of millions with his stunning mane.