Pixie Curtis

Pixie Curtis, an extraordinary eleven-year-old girl, has already made a name for herself as a savvy businesswoman. With millions of dollars in her pocket from selling fidget spinners and hair accessories, Pixie has set a goal to retire before she even turns sixteen. Her business success and viral content creation have made her an inspiration to many.

In one of her popular online videos, Pixie enthusiastically shares her recent shopping haul, revealing her purchases from various high-end stores. From cosmetics and designer fashion items to luxury candles and more, Pixie showcases her exquisite taste and entrepreneurial spirit. However, some people question the need for an eleven-year-old to indulge in such expensive beauty items.

Comments on Pixie’s video express concern about the influence of beauty standards on young children and the potential long-term effects of using certain products. Some urge her to appreciate what she has and consider the needs of less fortunate kids. It’s a reminder that material possessions are just “stuff.”

Pixie’s incredible financial success comes as no surprise, considering her mother, Roxy Jacenko, is a highly successful public relations queen. Together, they have built two thriving businesses: Pixie’s Bows and Pixie’s Fidgets. In 2021, Roxy revealed that Pixie had already earned enough money to retire at the age of fifteen if she desired, although it seems unlikely that Pixie would want to stop her entrepreneurial journey at such a young age.

Estimates suggest that Pixie may earn around twenty-one million dollars over the next decade. It’s an astonishing amount for someone who hasn’t even graduated from high school. Roxy, in an interview with Pixie for Stellar Magazine, jokingly assured her daughter that she wouldn’t have to worry about her future as she could retire at fifteen.

Pixie’s entrepreneurial journey took off in May 2021 when she launched her line of fidget toys in Australia. The debut was a massive success, raking in an impressive $200,000. Since then, Pixie’s toys have continued to sell like hotcakes. However, her business ventures began even earlier, with her bow company operating since 2018. Back then, it was estimated that by the time she turned eighteen, Pixie could be worth a staggering $21 million when the department store Myer agreed to stock her bows.

Roxy, proud of her daughter’s accomplishments, emphasizes the entrepreneurial spirit Pixie possesses at such a young age. Reflecting on her own experience, Roxy admires Pixie’s drive and determination, recognizing that she herself did not have the same entrepreneurial spark. She marvels at her daughter’s natural talent and considers it the most rewarding aspect of their journey together.

Pixie Curtis is not your average eleven-year-old girl. Her financial success and business acumen have made her an inspiration, proving that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing your dreams. As Pixie continues to thrive in her entrepreneurial ventures, one thing is clear: retirement at fifteen is not just a distant dream, but a potential reality for this incredible young girl.