Cancel culture is running amok. People, movies, songs, and books are getting canceled left and right for including offensive or derogatory references. Now, many popular songs that have long been considered classics could be next on the chopping block as cancel culture takes on new agendas each day. Take a look at our list of classic songs that could face criticism from the masses in the weeks and months to come.

“Summer Nights” by the cast of Grease

Critics have labeled this song as “rapey” due to a call-and-response lyric that implies the possibility of date rape. The lyrics, “Tell me more, tell me more / did she put up a fight?”, depict John Travolta’s character as a sexual predator who targeted an innocent virgin girl during a summer romance. This narrative has been called out for its offensive implications.

“Delilah” by Tom Jones

Originally recorded in 1968, this song has achieved widespread popularity over the years. However, its lyrics are perceived to promote domestic violence, causing outrage within the realm of cancel culture. The offensive lyrics go as follows: “I