Thanks to the internet, experts now have the ability to share their knowledge with millions of people in an instant. Recently, a frequent flyer and aviation journalist named Christine Negroni shared her insightful tips on air travel, specifically addressing the clothing choices passengers make while onboard. While comfort is important, Negroni warns against wearing yoga pants or leggings on a flight.

Negroni, who has decades of experience in the aviation industry and is the author of the book “The Crash Detectives,” believes that prioritizing safety over comfort is crucial. In a conversation with The Sun, she explained that synthetic fabrics, such as the ones used in yoga pants, are more likely to stick to the skin in the event of a fire, potentially causing severe burns. Negroni advises passengers to opt for natural fibers instead.

Another important aspect Negroni highlights is the importance of keeping your shoes on during a flight. In case of an emergency evacuation, being barefoot can pose serious risks. The floor of the aircraft might be hot, cold, oily, or even on fire. To ensure a safe and less painful walk to the emergency exit slide, it’s best to keep your shoes on throughout the flight.

It’s worth mentioning that there is a common misconception that airplanes release waste while in mid-air. Negroni confirms that this is a myth and that waste from the bathrooms is stored in a holding tank located at the rear of the plane. Air Canada Dreamliner captain Doug Morris supports this statement, explaining that the waste is only emptied during ground stops, especially on long-haul flights.

In conclusion, when traveling by plane, it’s important to prioritize safety over comfort. Avoid wearing synthetic fabrics like yoga pants or leggings, as they can cause serious harm in the event of a fire. Keep your shoes on to ensure a safer evacuation during emergencies. By following these simple guidelines, passengers can enhance their safety and well-being while enjoying their flights.